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Text File | 1995-02-14 | 29.1 KB | 600 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#263/13-Feb-95
- =====================
- Apple's lawyers are on the hunt again, this time with Intel and
- Microsoft in their sights, and the issue is purloined QuickTime
- code. Matt Neuburg checks in with an editorial about Hollywood's
- inability to get the facts of electronic life right in movie
- fiction; Geoff reviews Apprentice II, a CD-ROM of source code;
- Nigel Perry starts looking in depth at Nisus Writer. Finally, we
- take a look at the Communications Decency Act of 1995. Such fun.
- This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by:
- * APS Technologies -- 800/443-4199 -- <sales@apstech.com>
- Makers of hard drives, tape drives, and neat SCSI accessories.
- For APS price lists, email: <aps-prices@tidbits.com>
- * Northwest Nexus -- 206/455-3505 -- http://www.halcyon.com
- Providing access to the global Internet. <info@halcyon.com>
- * PowerCity Online -- <75361.532@compuserve.com> Email sales of
- 40,000+ items for Mac/PC. Send email with Subject: Order Info
- * Hayden Books, an imprint of Macmillan Computer Publishing
- Save 20% on all books via the Web -- http://www.mcp.com
- Copyright 1990-1995 Adam & Tonya Engst. Details at end of issue.
- Information: <info@tidbits.com> Comments: <editors@tidbits.com>
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/13-Feb-95
- Talking Into The Mouse: Hollywood And Computers
- Apple Sues Intel, Microsoft - Again
- Communications Decency Act of 1995
- Resourceful Apprentice
- Nisus Writer 4.0.6, Part 1: Text Processing
- Reviews/13-Feb-95
- ftp://ftp.tidbits.com/pub/tidbits/issues/1995/TidBITS#263_13-Feb-95.etx
- MailBITS/13-Feb-95
- ------------------
- **Net Valentines** -- It's undoubtedly too late for people to use
- this Internet site to send a paper Valentine's Day card, since by
- the time you read this Valentine's Day should be in full swing or
- even over - at least in those parts of the world that celebrate
- the holiday. But, should you be storing up ideas for next year,
- check out Greet Street's Web page at the URL below, where you can
- buy greeting cards and even have them personalized and mailed for
- you. The prices seem pretty reasonable, assuming that you aren't
- the sort who's shocked at the cost of greeting cards to begin
- with.
- http://www.greetst.com/
- Of course, plenty of other Valentine's Day-related sites have
- sprung up on the Internet, some just for a few days, and Yahoo has
- collected a nice set of pointers to the best ones. [ACE]
- http://akebono.stanford.edu/yahoo/Society_and_Culture/Holidays/Valentine_s_Day/
- **The Apple Multimedia Kit** (item M3153LL/A) includes a coupon
- for three free CD-ROM titles. Apparently some of the kits sold
- during the recent holiday season had a form with an incorrect
- expiration date of 31-Dec-94. In fact, the offer expires 31-Dec-
- 95, and Apple will continue to honor all coupons redeemed until
- that time. Current kits have a coupon with the correct date. [MHA]
- **QuickDraw GX** -- Those of you close enough to the bleeding edge
- to be using QuickDraw GX might enjoy this Easter egg, sent in by
- Charles Wiltgen <cwiltgen@mcs.com>. "Select a GX desktop printer,
- hold down Shift-Option-Command and choose Open from the File menu.
- It gives you a very cool, simple demo of GX's geometry
- capabilities." [TJE]
- **Trying to reach** the digitalNation FirstClass server (see
- TidBITS-262_) via the Internet? Those not familiar with FirstClass
- may find some additional details helpful. Our article specified
- that you must use port 3004 on IP address <> when
- trying to open a connection with the FirstClass Client software,
- but didn't go into further details. After you enter ""
- (without the quotes) in the Server field and choose TCP-IP.FCP
- from the Connect Via pop-up menu, click the Setup button next to
- that pop-up menu, then click the triangle next to Advanced
- Settings to reveal extra options. Enter "3004" (without the
- quotes) in the TCP Port field, then click the Save button. You
- should also make certain that the userid you've selected is going
- to be unique: if you try to connect with a userid that happens to
- be in use, you won't be able to register as a new user. [MHA]
- **A number of Mac programming wizards** (their names are on some
- of the most well-known Macintosh programs available) have banded
- together to form The Mac Group. The mission of The Mac Group is
- simple - if you are a large company that simply has to ship an
- important product or risk losing big bucks, The Mac Group will fly
- in, find the bugs, and fix them so you can ship your product.
- Their pricing falls into the "if you have to ask, you can't afford
- it" category, since they all still have programming day jobs that
- they put on hold to ride to your rescue. But in this high-stakes
- world of product deadlines, some hired guns might be just the
- ticket. The Mac Group -- <info@macgroup.com> -- 800-SYNC-WAIT [ACE]
- Talking Into The Mouse: Hollywood And Computers
- -----------------------------------------------
- by Matt Neuburg <clas005@csc.canterbury.ac.nz>
- Movies arrive in tiny, faraway New Zealand well after they've
- opened elsewhere (if they arrive at all), so it was only the other
- day, and quite by chance, that I caught Disclosure - and was
- hopelessly confused, thanks to the filmmaker's ignorance of the
- Internet.
- The film's plot and details of action depend almost totally upon
- the current state of computer and networking technology, with such
- things as fast CD-ROM drives, CU-SeeMe conferencing, and virtual
- reality figuring heavily. Now, I can suspend disbelief as well as
- the next person, so it didn't bother me when a user controls a
- virtual reality program through a speech recognition technology
- beyond anything we see today. I also wasn't concerned when email
- was rendered without scroll bars, so all messages were necessarily
- very short - I could accept that as GUI poetic license. Besides,
- none of these things impinged upon the basic plot.
- Not so, however, the facts about how email is coded and sent. The
- film depends upon arousing our suspicions that Michael Douglas's
- office communications are being somehow sabotaged: he leaves a
- phone message that the recipient claims never to have received,
- his user privileges are reduced, and his disks are taken away. So
- when he starts receiving a series of _anonymous_ email messages to
- which he cannot reply because they contain no "From" header
- information, I naturally thought: "Wow, whoever's doing this to
- him is some serious hacker!"
- Wrong. It turns out later that the messages come via the Internet
- from outside by perfectly ordinary means. No explanation is
- offered for how the headers were suppressed - nor why, since
- Douglas eventually has no difficulty ascertaining their physical
- source through a Whois query. In the end, no hacking of any sort
- turns out to be involved; they're just ordinary Internet email
- messages.
- So, because the filmmaker apparently didn't know that you can't
- normally send Internet email without at least some form of "Reply-
- to" header information being attached, I was misled - meaning, not
- that I guessed the whodunit incorrectly, which would be fine, but
- that I misperceived the plot, the physical facts of what the movie
- was _intending_ to portray before my eyes.
- This keeps happening in films today: those based on Michael
- Crichton novels (of which this is one) seem particularly prone. We
- all remember being confused watching Jurassic Park when a
- QuickTime movie - complete with a controller at the bottom of the
- window and a "thumb" button moving slowly across it as the movie
- played - was treated by the actor as a live CU-SeeMe
- communication.
- I'm struck by these phenomena, not because they're errors, but
- because they're genuinely startling and confusing to users for
- whom cyberspace and a graphical interface are the common coin of
- everyday life. And there are many such users; email and QuickTime
- are not rarities. Hollywood filmmakers are accustomed to creating
- science fiction effects that conceive the future for us; but now,
- when the "future" is here, they're still treating it as fiction
- and haven't caught up with the facts. This leads to the
- paradoxical result that movies - for whose makers the technologies
- portrayed are exotic - are showing to audiences for whom those
- same technologies are mundane! The result is as mystifying as if
- Hollywood had decided to portray people driving cars, but, not
- actually having seen a car, they got the number of wheels wrong,
- or which side of the road you drive on.
- Apple Sues Intel, Microsoft - Again
- -----------------------------------
- by Geoff Duncan <geoff@tidbits.com>
- Surprise! Late last week, Apple named both Intel and Microsoft in
- a lawsuit claiming that the two companies used QuickTime for
- Windows code to boost the performance of onscreen video in their
- products. This follows a lawsuit Apple filed in December against
- The San Francisco Canyon Company, with whom Apple had contracted
- in 1992 to write code for the Windows version of QuickTime. Apple
- alleges that Canyon subsequently incorporated major portions of
- QuickTime code written for Apple into products written for Intel
- to enhance Microsoft's Video For Windows (VFW), and that some of
- these changes later found their way into Microsoft's latest
- shipping version of VFW (1.1d). Apple claims that attempts to
- address this issue directly with Microsoft and Intel resulted in
- the companies' belittling QuickTime's technology and refusing to
- seriously acknowledge the issue. Even Bill Gates himself was "not
- particularly helpful in resolving the situation," according to
- David Nagel, in charge of Apple's AppleSoft division. Apple is
- seeking damages and an order to stop distribution of the software.
- Microsoft said Friday in a press release that the low-level driver
- code is not used in currently shipping versions of Windows (nor is
- it planned to be included in Windows 95) and that they had every
- reason to believe they had all necessary rights to use the code
- they licensed from Intel. Moreover, Microsoft claims that they
- repeatedly requested information from Apple in order to resolve
- the issue, but that Apple neither gave Microsoft specific
- information nor provided evidence to demonstrate either its
- ownership or Microsoft's infringement. "We're disappointed that
- Apple chose to go to court rather than provide the information we
- sought," said Microsoft's Bill Neukom.
- Although the version of Video for Windows in question, 1.1d, does
- not ship with Windows itself, it is widely available through
- developer's kits, online services, and multimedia products from
- Microsoft and other companies. Microsoft says performance
- improvements in Video for Windows were implemented in version 1.1c
- and have nothing to do with the disputed code. In an interesting
- related move, the same day Apple named Microsoft and Intel in this
- lawsuit, Apple announced it will no longer charge third-party
- developers a fee for distributing QuickTime with their products.
- Information from:
- Apple propaganda
- Microsoft propaganda
- Pythaeus
- Communications Decency Act of 1995
- ----------------------------------
- by Geoff Duncan <geoff@tidbits.com>
- In a move that's incited all manner of protest throughout the
- Internet community (and especially among Internet providers),
- Senator Jim Exon of Nebraska has introduced Senate bill 314,
- titled The Communications Decency Act of 1995. This bill would
- expand current FCC regulations on "obscene" and "indecent"
- telephony and telegraphy to cover any content carried by all forms
- of electronic communications networks. This would place
- significant criminal liability on telecommunications and network
- providers if their network was used in the transmission of any
- material deemed to be "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or
- indecent," as provided under the Communications Act of 1934.
- http://www.eff.org/pub/EFF/Legislation/Bills_new/s314.bill
- http://thomas.loc.gov/home/c104query.html
- Essentially, if enacted, this bill would compel Internet providers
- to restrict the activities of their users (for instance, by
- preventing them from using email, conferencing services, Usenet,
- FTP, and the like), or to monitor every private communication,
- file transmission, email message, news posting, etc., to ensure no
- activity for which they could be held liable was taking place.
- Penalties provided under this bill are up to two years in prison
- or $100,000 in fines. The text of S. 314 appears to be
- substantially identical to S. 1822 of the 103rd Congress, offered
- by Senator Exon last year and which failed with the Senate
- Telecommunications Reform bill. However, given the more
- conservative tone of the 104th Congress and legislators' growing
- unwillingness to oppose "morality" legislation of this nature, S.
- 314's chances of eventual passage may be substantially better.
- Although it's not likely many people would favor legalizing email
- harassment (in the same way most people don't seem to think
- telephone harassment should be legal), S. 314 holds service
- providers liable for the "decency" of materials transferred
- through their networks. To draw a parallel, a real-world
- equivalent of this bill could mean holding the builder of a street
- liable for armed robbery because someone used that road to
- transport stolen goods from a crime scene. Under S. 314, the only
- exceptions to this bill would be government-decreed common
- carriers like telephone companies. Although U.S. legal standards
- of decency and obscenity have been matters of controversy since
- the nation's founding, there is concern amongst the online
- community that such legislation could suppress open discussion of
- often-controversial issues such as homosexuality, abortion,
- controlled substances, or abuse.
- According to the most recent edition of the Electronic Frontier
- Foundation's EFFector Online, Senator Exon and his staff may not
- have been aware that the text of their bill had such broad
- potential for criminalization and a rewrite is apparently being
- considered. Senator Exon seems to have been motivated to introduce
- this bill in response to incidents of "Internet stalking" and
- email harassment, such as a current case involving a University of
- Michigan student posting a fictional story of rape and sexual
- torture.
- http://www.eff.org/pub/EFF/Newsletters/EFFector/effect08.01
- Contact information for the Senate Commerce Committee and Senator
- Exon can be found on a variety of sites around the net; a pointer
- to CapWeb is included below. Discussion of S. 314 can be found on
- the newsgroups <comp.org.eff.talk> and <comp.org.cpsr.talk>.
- http://policy.net/capweb/Senate/SenateCom/COM.html
- Information from:
- EFFector Online, 10-Feb-95
- Electronic Messaging Association
- Pythaeus
- Resourceful Apprentice
- ----------------------
- by Geoff Duncan <geoff@tidbits.com>
- Celestin Company recently released the second edition of its
- Apprentice CD-ROM, a compilation of source code, tools, and
- technical information for Mac programmers. This new version
- updates materials released on the first edition of the CD-ROM (see
- TidBITS-228_) and adds new information, code, and tools.
- The Apprentice CD-ROM consists mainly of free and shareware code
- and development resources that are available from a variety of
- sources. And that's the CD-ROM's main strength: although most of
- this material is available elsewhere, the sheer task of locating
- and assembling it would take forever. Having it all in one place
- and well-organized (and searchable!) is a big asset to both
- fledgling and experienced Mac programmers. Apprentice comes with
- pre-compiled indices for Easy View, FileMaker, and On Location
- which make searching the CD-ROM's 600+ megabytes a breeze.
- Although there may not be code here for _everything_ one could
- wish, the breadth and depth of the project is surprising.
- Apprentice contains code, frameworks, and libraries for a wide
- variety of tasks: anti-aliased text, Photoshop plug-ins, sprites
- and GWorlds, custom controls, window and dialog handling... that's
- just a start. It also offers source from various versions of
- applications and games, including Eudora, Disinfectant, Glider,
- and OutOfPhase. There are more than 15,000 items of examples,
- source, and associated files (most in C, C++, and Pascal), a
- number of libraries and routines for MPW, Symantec, and
- CodeWarrior, plus full-fledged implementations of C, Forth, Perl,
- Lisp, Prolog and other programming languages. As one measure of
- the CD's breadth, I found the original source code for a program
- called Rae, ported to the Mac back in 1986 by Steve Hawley (a
- fellow Oberlin graduate who now works for Adobe) - Rae drops and
- accumulates smiley faces at the bottom of your screen. With about
- 10 minutes of tweaking, I managed to make it run again. I'm sure
- Steve would be pleased, or shocked... or both.
- Lest you think Apprentice might only be useful for certifiable
- wireheads, the disk contains a ton of material to help people get
- started with programming, including resources for HyperCard,
- debugging tools and demos, application frameworks, beginners
- materials and working examples, digest archives (including the
- <comp.sys.mac.programmer> newsgroup and the Mac Scripting list),
- FAQs and info files on common topics and languages, plus specs on
- common data formats and protocols. All in all, if you've ever had
- an urge to crack open the Toolbox, the Apprentice CD is a good and
- inexpensive place to start. If you've already taken the plunge,
- Apprentice can save you hours in download time alone, not to
- mention the time you'd waste hunting for that certain special code
- snippet. Apprentice's indexes contain URLs to original source
- material wherever possible, so looking for updates or additional
- materials is easy. If Celestin Company continues to regularly
- update the disk, Apprentice will remain an excellent resource for
- some time to come.
- Apprentice is available for $35 ($25 for registered owners of the
- first version of Apprentice). Information and an order form are
- online at:
- http://www.teleport.com/~cci/products/apprentice/apprentice.html
- Celestin Company -- 360/385-3767 -- 360/385-3586 (fax) --
- <celestin@olympus.net>
- Nisus Writer 4.0.6, Part 1: Text Processing
- -------------------------------------------
- by Nigel Perry <n.perry@massey.ac.nz>
- [Welcome to our Nisus Writer review! Because the review is
- somewhat lengthy, we plan to run it in three parts: text
- processing, word and document processing, and multimedia. So, this
- week, keep reading to find out about Nisus Writer's text
- processing features, and stay tuned for next week's installment
- about word processing features. -Tonya]
- Late last year, Nisus Software released Nisus Writer, the long-
- heralded update to Nisus. The last major release to Nisus was
- about four years ago, with an update (Nisus 3.4) in between (see
- TidBITS-168_). Updates to Nisus were promised, with Nisus Software
- even advertising "Nisus XS," but nothing appeared. Nisus Writer
- was released last October with a maintenance update coming out
- just in time for Christmas (see the URL below for the update and a
- demo). Nisus has always been a product with a loyal following, and
- its users - admittedly with growing impatience - eagerly awaited
- the update.
- ftp://ftp.nisus-soft.com/pub/nisus/
- Nisus Writer wasn't made from the same mold as other word
- processors. To understand it, you must understand that Nisus
- Writer combines a text processor, a word processor, and a
- smattering of multimedia tools. I will address each area in turn,
- and try to share the flavour of Nisus Writer and how it differs
- from Nisus. In the rest of this review "Nisus" means both Nisus
- and Nisus Writer; "Nisus Writer" means only Nisus Writer.
- Nisus Writer, at 1.9 MB in size and with a 3 MB RAM allocation, is
- bigger than Nisus's more svelte 513K on disk and suggested RAM
- allocation of 1 MB. Much of the size increase comes from the lack
- of compression: previous versions of Nisus used the AutoDoubler
- Internal Compressor (as did the first release of Nisus Writer -
- updates are no longer internally compressed). File saving time
- also seems to have increased, so if you have the regular backups
- preference set, you get disconcerting pauses at the interval
- you've specified once your file grows past about 30 pages. One
- feature which speeds up Nisus is that it keeps documents in RAM,
- but this is also one of its disadvantages if you wish to work on
- long documents that are larger than Nisus's available memory,
- since there is no way to chain smaller documents into a longer
- one. Based on unscientific measurements, Nisus feels faster than
- Word 5.1, Nisus Writer a bit slower.
- **Text Processing:** -- Nisus Writer comes from the same company
- that produces QUED/M, a highly regarded macro-programmable editor
- for programmers. Given this heritage, Nisus has superb text
- processing capabilities. Nisus offers keyboard and mouse commands
- for moving the cursor, selecting text, and extending a selection
- forward or backward by character, word, line, sentence, paragraph,
- screen, or document. Nisus provides a unique discontiguous
- selection feature along with a slightly more common rectangular
- selection.
- For Cut and Paste operations Nisus offers ten clipboards and such
- unusual but useful operations as "append to clipboard" and "swap
- selection with clipboard."
- Nisus Writer adds little to the text processing facilities of
- Nisus, but that is because these features were already so
- comprehensive! The editing window has had minor 3D-style interface
- improvements and some of the menus have been reorganised - this
- might make the program a little easier to use but adds little
- additional functionality.
- **WorldScript** -- Nisus is a WorldScript I and II compatible
- editor and handles right-to-left and multi-byte languages with
- ease. It supports European, Scandinavian, and Japanese languages
- with the appropriate Language Module and/or Apple software. Users
- can also purchase a Language Key and extend Nisus to support
- Arabic, Cyrillic, Eastern European, Farsi, Hebrew, and Chinese.
- The Language Key, also known as a dongle, must be plugged into
- your Mac's ADB port. This feature was universally loathed by Nisus
- users, but Nisus Software has kept it in order to avoid piracy and
- to satisfy contracts with overseas partners who required the
- dongle in exchange for technical and marketing assistance. [See
- TidBITS-170_ for a fleshed out discussion of this complex issue
- -Tonya].
- In mixed left-to-right and right-to-left text, Nisus handles
- selections correctly. The Find/Replace command handles
- multilingual text both through its support for fonts and special
- PowerFind wildcards that match character sets in the languages.
- Nisus also supports glossing. [As one example, people use glossing
- to place Hiragana or Katakana pronunciations above Kanji
- characters. -Tonya]
- **Finding and Replacing** -- Nisus provides an unparalleled
- Find/Replace feature, offering three levels of complexity: Normal
- (just text), PowerFind (a simple, icon-based GREP), and PowerFind
- Pro (full GREP). You can also find and replace using character
- formats and styles. So, for example, if you want to find text in
- 10-point italic Geneva and change it to 14-point bold Helvetica,
- Nisus easily handles the job. Another example of the flexibility
- of the Find/Replace command: consider the task of finding all
- dollar amounts in a file, such as $45, and placing them in
- brackets together with "NZ" (after all, this review comes from New
- Zealand!), so $45 would become [NZ$45]. In PowerFind, the Replace
- operation could be written as:
- Find: $(Digit)(1+) Replace with: [NZ(Found)]
- (Note that in PowerFind, "(Digit)", "(1+)", and "(Found)" would
- appear as icons.)
- Nisus Writer adds a "sounds like" (or "fuzzy") find feature which
- is useful if you're not sure of how a word is "spelt."
- Nisus provides multiple levels of undo and redo, up to 32,767
- steps with a default of 300! If you perform a complex Replace
- operation and end up with a mess, just undo it.
- Nisus allows you to open multiple files at once, limited only by
- memory. This is a real limit as Nisus is a memory-based editor and
- cannot edit files larger than will fit into memory. This is an
- area Nisus Writer could have improved upon but did not. On the
- plus side, the Find/Replace command can search multiple files,
- whether open or closed, which makes handling groups of files
- easier. [Of course, if you can give Nisus a lot of memory, as I do
- when I wish to perform multiple searches through 30 or 40 large
- files of the chapters of my books, being RAM-based means that
- Nisus can handle all the files quickly and easily, unlike in other
- word processors. -Adam]
- **Macros** -- Nisus supports a macro programming language which is
- a curious mix of two dialects: the menu dialect and the
- programming dialect. Macros (either coded or recorded) help you
- easily accomplish extremely complex operations, especially with
- the help of PowerFind statements. For more sophisticated
- programming concepts like loops, you will end up typing code in
- the programming dialect, which is not as easy as it could be. The
- combination of the two dialects is peculiar, with a strange mix of
- menu command equivalents and programming language features such as
- arrays and stacks - some of the language also attempts to appear
- object-oriented. That said, the macros are powerful and, once
- learned, a useful tool, even if the phrase "great hack" comes to
- mind when studying them!
- Macros could do with improvement: they execute onscreen, so while
- a macro runs dialog boxes may flash up and have text "typed" into
- them, and menus will flash away. Macro speed is often a problem,
- but even though macros can take a long time, doing the same job by
- hand would typically take far longer.
- [The folks at Nisus Software point out that they believe they've
- cut down on the amount of onscreen macro executing for the Nisus
- Writer 4.0 release, thus somewhat addressing this concern and
- speeding up macro execution times. -Tonya]
- Two sought-after features - multiple open macro files and
- AppleScript compatibility - have not arrived with the upgrade. The
- lack of AppleScript is a major blow to scripters, though Nisus
- Writer does support Frontier (the runtime-only version of which is
- supplied). Using Frontier, it is possible for Nisus Writer macros
- to control other applications, but Nisus Writer itself cannot be
- controlled. The manual covers Frontier in just two pages, with no
- details of the UserTalk language - so writing Frontier scripts is
- not easy.
- **Text Processing Conclusion** -- Nisus Writer runs slower than
- Nisus on some operations, particularly Find/Replace on long
- documents has become much slower. Fortunately, in a few low-key
- tests that I ran on a beta copy of the next release of Nisus
- Writer (version 4.0.7), the Find and Replace feature ran 33
- percent faster on average, although this is still 50 percent
- slower than the average speed of Nisus 3.4L. These times could
- easily improve before shipping.
- Among Macintosh word processors, Nisus Writer is unparalleled for
- text and multi-lingual processing. In fact, if you need to handle
- multi-lingual text then Nisus might be the only real choice,
- depending on the languages you need.
- Nisus Software -- 616/481-1477 -- 619/481-6154 (fax) --
- <sales@nisus-soft.com> -- <support@nisus-soft.com>
- [For people wanting more opinions and resources related to Nisus,
- check out the Nisus Writer page on World of Words. -Tonya]
- http://king.tidbits.com/tonya/WOW/NW/NWMain.html
- Reviews/13-Feb-95
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 06-Feb-95, Vol. 9, #5
- Macromedia FreeHand 5.0 -- pg. 1
- TribeLink8 -- pg. 30
- Xres 1.0 -- pg. 30
- Lexmark Optra Rx -- pg. 32
- $$
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
- Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor -- ace@tidbits.com -- info@tidbits.com
- Author of Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh -- iskm@tidbits.com
- Internet Explorer Kit for Macintosh -- iek@tidbits.com
- Internet Starter Kit for Windows -- iskw@tidbits.com